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Items different this year as compared to main FAQ page (numbers for reference).

1.3. Where is Norwescon? Norwescon 43 is 100% online for 2021.

1.3.1. How do I get there? You'll enter the event from our home page norwescon.org using the email address that you used to register for the convention.

2.1.1. What if I can't/don't want to come for the whole weekend? Please purchase a membership and attend on the days/portion of days that you wish to attend. We are unable to limit attendance by day for our online event.

2.1.2. What if I can't afford to pay for a membership at all? Just like for our in-person event you will be able to view the Dealers' Room, Art Show, and Club Table information online without purchasing a membership. New for the virtual event, you will be able to see some concerts and demonstrations on our Twitch channel without a membership as well.

2.2. When do I get my badge? We held badge pick-up events around the Puget Sound the weekend of March 20-21. Remaining badges will be mailed to members.

2.4.1. How do I report a problem or concern? If you encounter or witness any behavior that concerns you please contact report@norwescon.org or stop by the first booth in the arena where you will find various people to assist you.

3.1.1. Can I volunteer to help out? Yes! Please contact volunteers@norwescon.org or stop by the first booth in the arena during the convention.

Virtual Convention Specific Items

Q. My household is sharing one computer, webcam, and IP address, to attend Norwescon 43. Do we register as one person or two?

A. In order for each person to appear with their name and information you do need to have a registration for each of them so that they have their own Airmeet account/login. However you will only be able to attend one event/panel at a time as simultaneous account logins are not possible. If one person in your household registers, you are welcome to attend events together. If both of you register only one of you will be able to be logged in and attending something at a time. IP address is not a criteria, if you have multiple computers, please register each person and attend from individual devices.

Q. How many events/panels are running at the same time during Norwescon 43?

A. We'll have 10 stages running at once most of the time so you'll have to decide where you want to be.

Q. Is closed captioning available for Norwescon 43?

A. Yes, the Airmeet platform has built-in support for closed captioning in sessions. For usage directions and additional information about using a third-party option to inject captions into your feed go to our Closed Captioning page.

Q: How do I know what email address I registered for the convention with?

A: If you're not sure what address you registered with the best way to check is to go to the registration kiosk and log in with your username and password. After reviewing your badge name (update NOT pushed to Airmeet after 3/28/2021) you will be able to proceed to the next page where your email addresses are listed. The first email address listed on the account is the one to access Airmeet with.