Radio Quick Ref - Basic Operations

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The oncall person is for the following: Training, Backup, and Breaks For most times, there are two people staffing our Radio Office (Radio Operator and Discord Operator). If you need a break (for a smoke or whatever), and do not feel that you can maintain adequate coverage during that break, contact the oncall.

Backup = “Help, I’m overwhelmed and need a 2nd or 3rd body in here!” OR “There’s a major incident and I need a dispatcher to handle all radio calls for just that incident” The order of oncall callout attempt should be: Radio, if no answer then Cell Phone, if no answer then Hotel Room Phone The oncall person can change the order for call-out.


If you are the Security dispatcher and are busy with something and a call comes over the radio, your favorite reply will be, "Stand by unless Priority." If you are the ConComm dispatcher and are busy with something and a call for Dispatch comes over the radio, your favorite reply will be, "This is Dispatch. Please Stand by unless Priority." If the thing that has you busy in the above is a Priority, you can replace "Priority" with "Emergency." As the security dispatcher, it is not your responsibility to send specific assets to specific incidents. It IS your responsibility to know what type of asset to send and send accordingly. If the type of asset needed is specific, send it. ex: "I have a noise complaint in 5B." OR "I have an Assist the Programming Director holding for an available Supervisor or Command unit." OR "Unit 30, the GoH liaison is requesting a meet outside Cascade 1, (at your) convenience." OR "Fight in progress outside of room 1360, units available to respond?"

Shift Change

When there is a shift change at Security Dispatch, or a personnel change in dispatch for any reason, you can either switch, and have the new dispatcher sign on, or you can announce, "All units stand by for dispatch change." Regardless of the reason for dispatcher change, unless the channel is restricted due to some emergency (This is known as "The air is closed."), the new dispatcher should sign on with, "The time is xxxx (in 24 hour clock), Day, Date, Operator yy." (yy = your callsign) If you are the security dispatcher coming on duty, and you don't have a good understanding of what people (aka assets, aka resources, aka units) are on, verify as best you can with the departing dispatcher. Once you are done there, contact the shift supervisor and have them (either on an alternate channel or phone or in person) make sure that their information and yours is up to date.

Levels of Calls

  • Emergency (1) - In progress threat to person or major threat to property
  • Priority (2) - Just occurred threat to person or possible threat to person. In progress threat to property.
  • Elevated (3) - Just occurred threat to property
  • Standard (4) - Everything else

TERMS you may encounter

Priority or Urgent

This is not an Emergency, but is a higher priority than a regular call.

Code Adam

Missing child (This is a priority call, not an Emergency. This call should take priority over everything that isn't an Emergency.) {More on this in another training section}


"I am in the field and I am witnessing xxxxx"


"I have arrived in the area of where I was dispatched" (NOTE: in the area is the same as arrived for the purposes of the CAD)


the main (usually first) asset dealing with something


a 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) asset with the primary at a specific something


At your convenience

In the green

Not assigned to a call.

Air =

the radio channel.

Units going in/out of Service

When a Ambassador (patrol) unit signs on duty for their shift, greet them with "Good Morning." The actual time of day does not matter. When a Ambassador (patrol) unit signs off duty at the end of their shift, similarly, you would say "Good Night."

Two people talking at the same time

You are likely to get to the point where you can identify those times that two people are talking at the same time. Transmitting a simple, “Two units at once” OR “Two people talking at once” will let them know that they are doing this and give them the opportunity to try again.

Report of a Crime

If you receive a report of a crime from a NWC person (ConCom, Office, Safety), please make sure that the person receiving the report is able to stay with the reporting party until a supervisor is able to verify all of the information from the reporting party or releases the person the information is reported to. This is to make sure that we are able to get all of the information we need from the reporting party in order for follow-up by necessary parties (hotel, law enforcement, etc.)