Physical Mail Handling

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Norwescon maintains a post office box for physical mail. The Secretary is responsible for collecting, archiving, and appropriately distributing any mail received. The Secretary may hire a Mail Services volunteer to handle these duties.

The post office box is currently rented from the Tukwila UPS Store location.

General Mail Handling

The Mail Services volunteer should be able to pick up all mail at least once every two weeks. Alternately, if the service is provided by the mailbox provider, mail may be forwarded to the Mail Services volunteer's physical address.

Obvious junk mail may be discarded.

Mail should be opened, scanned, and recorded, the scans are then forwarded via email to the appropriate recipient. Physical originals other than checks may be delivered to the appropriate recipient at the next ConCom meeting. Checks (along with any associated paperwork) should be delivered to the Business department every two weeks, either physical mail or by hand at the next ConCom meeting if it falls within the two-week period.

All processed mail is recorded in a Mail Scan Register spreadsheet which records the following information: Date received, sender, type (contents), date scanned, date forwarded, forwarded to (recipient).

Scans are saved in monthly folders. Folders are named using the format "YYMM Monthname"; scan files are named using the format "YYMM RecipientLastName". As an example, an item sent by Luke Skywalker and received in November 2019 would be saved as "../1911 November/1911 Skywalker.pdf".

Art Show Shipments

Starting roughly one month before the convention, artists may send in artwork for display in the Art Show. These items are usually large enough that they cannot be forwarded to the Mail Services volunteer's address and must be picked up by hand. These should be picked up from the mailbox provider at the earliest possible time after delivery notification is received. They can then be transferred to an Art Show representative at the next ConCom meeting, at the hotel on the Wednesday before the convention opens, or by other arrangements as necessary. The Mail Services volunteer should make sure to contact the Art Show representative beforehand to ensure the transfer is expected and can be accommodated.

Outgoing shipments from the Art Show once the convention has closed are handled by the Art Show.